Satan Tempts With Love

Der Satan lockt mit Liebe

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Cast + Crew

Rudolf Jugert
Wolf C. Hartwig
Ilse Lotz-Dupont
Ilse Lotz-Dupont (original screenplay)
Georg Krause
Werner Scharfenberger
Max Seefelder
Herbert Taschner
Belinda Lee, Joachim Hansen, Ivan Desny, Heinz Englemann, Peter Capell, Osman Ragheb

“Everything that was clean and decent in me you destroyed,” says lounge singer Evelyn, trapped between her old life of crime and her new hope for redemption in Rudolf Jugert’s Der Satan lockt mit Liebe (US: Satan Tempts With Love). Racing to set sail for Australia with her escaped convict boyfriend Carlos (Ivan Desny), Evelyn (Belinda Lee, who perished in a car accident the following year) is forced to seduce and sleep with handsome young chump Robert (a perfectly cast Joachim Hansen) so she can rob him while he slumbers to raise the hush money Carlos needs for the crew of the Lolita, which is captained by old friend Philip (Heinz Engelmann). The problem is nobody expected Evelyn to take such a liking to the sweet, starry-eyed Robert. A highly entertaining film taking place during a single night, Satan Tempts With Love features captivating characters with complicated relationships (the dynamic between Evelyn and Philip, for example, involves some attraction but mostly friendship) but never takes a break from the suspense of the police manhunt for Carlos and the countdown to the Lolita’s departure.

By Michael Bayer

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Carlos (Ivan Desny) escapes from prison and plans to set sail for Australia.
A night watchman stumbles onto a crime scene.

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