Lovers on a Tightrope

La corde raide

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Cast + Crew

Jean-Charles Dudrumet
Robert Ciriez
Jean-Charles Dudrumet, Roland Laudenbach
Michel Lebrun (novel)
Pierre Guéguen
Maurice Jarre
Olivier Girard
Janine Vernau
Annie Girardot, François Périer, Gérard Buhr, Geneviève Brunet, Georges Descrières, Hubert Deschamps, Pierre Moncorbier, Paul Bisciglia, Louis Bugette

The story is as old as the hills in film noir: a beautiful wife plots with her lover to kill her husband. While Jean-Charles Dudrumet’s La corde raide (US: Lovers on a Tightrope) is an entertaining variation on this theme, there’s nothing very novel here besides a few juicy plot twists; instead, viewers are advised to expect the familiar, the duplicitous wife even sharing a name with one of the earliest such spouses: Cora from The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946). Bored in her marriage to Daniel Lambert (François Périer), Cora (Annie Girardot) is having an affair with the younger Henri (Gérard Buhr), a garage owner and car aficionado who’s attracted not only to Cora’s body but to her husband’s fortune. They plot to murder Daniel by giving him a sedative before a long drive, but when the opportunity presents itself and the deed is done, the body in the wreckage may be a surprise. Georges Descrières plays Lambert’s business partner Simon, who’s reeled into the intrigue against his will, and Pierre Moncorbier plays a private detective hired by Lambert to unearth the truth about his wife’s dalliances. Between Guéguen’s cinematography and Girard’s art direction, the film is a visual stunner in many places, the Lamberts’ elaborate mansion serving up a cavernous dining room (where characters appear infinitesimal in the distance beyond the candelabra), a roving camera that enters Cora’s bedroom window at night, an aerial shot of a dramatic spiral staircase, and multiple captures of Cora’s figure framed inside ominous hallways.

By Michael Bayer

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Cora (Annie Girardot) tries half-heartedly to conceal her extramarital affair.
Henri (Gérard Buhr) hatches a plot.

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