This Side of the Law

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Cast + Crew

Richard L. Bare
Saul Elkins
Russell S. Hughes
Richard Sale (original story)
Carl E. Guthrie
William Lava
Hugh Reticker
Frank Magee
Kent Smith, Viveca Lindfors, Robert Douglas, Janis Paige, Monte Blue, Nita Talbot
Even with a complex plot that stretches credibility to its limits, Richard Bare’s This Side of the Law is a thrilling ride of twists and turns in gorgeous Gothic settings. Kent Smith plays David Cummins, a bum arrested for vagrancy whose fine is paid by a stranger named Philip Cagle (Robert Douglas), an attorney who offers him a job to impersonate a missing millionaire named Malcolm Taylor whom Cummins resembles perfectly and for whose estate Cagle is executor. Despite not knowing Cagle’s intentions, Cummins needs the money so takes the job, returning “home” to the man’s clifftop estate to the shock of Taylor’s wife, brother, and sister-in-law, who assumed him dead. We soon learn just how much hatred and deceit a household of merely four inhabitants can contain. The acting is mostly excellent, William Lava’s score is eerily ahead of its time, especially during moments of heightened suspense, and Carl Guthrie’s cinematography beautifully captures the atmosphere of the dramatic settings (cliff, beach, gazebo), especially since most scenes take place at night. Underseen and under-rated, This Side of the Law is overcomplicated fun.

By Michael Bayer

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David Cummins (Kent Smith) studies a photograph of his lookalike.
Cummins and Nadine Taylor (Janis Paige) confront the truth.

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