The Inheritance

Uncle Silas

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Cast + Crew

Charles Frank
Jack Hicks, Laurence Irving, Josef Somlo
Ben Travers
Sheridan le Fanu (novel)
Robert Krasker
Alan Rawsthorne
Laurence Irving
Ralph Kemplen
Jean Simmons, Derrick de Marney, Katina Paxinou, Derek Bond, Sophie Stewart, Esmond Knight, Marjorie Rhodes, Guy Rolfe, Reginald Tate
Based on Sheridan le Fanu’s mid-nineteenth century novel, Charles Frank’s Uncle Silas (US: The Inheritance) is a Gothic smorgasbord featuring Jean Simmons as Caroline Ruthyn, a beautiful, teen-aged heiress who’s sent to live with her wealthy Uncle Silas (Derrick De Marney) upon the death of her father. Caroline soon learns that her uncle sees her less as a niece and more as a monetary inheritance for which he is the next of kin; this leads to her ultimate imprisonment a la the first Mrs. Rochester in Jane Eyre. While the film occasionally detours into semi-comedic tones during the first half, the final act is an enthralling tour-de-force in Gothic suspense, action, and even horror, particularly as we witness a series of brutal murders that lead to Caroline’s terror and desperation to flee at any cost. The cast is uniformly excellent, but Katina Paxinou steals the show as Madame de la Rougierre, the witchy governess turned henchwoman whose French cackles and histrionics contrast starkly with Caroline’s English restraint. With some of the most gorgeous sets of the noir cycle, The Inheritance is a feast for the senses in every respect. (Note: Coincidentally, an Argentinian adaptation of the same novel, Carlos Schlieper’s El misterioso tío Sylas, was also released in 1947.)

By Michael Bayer

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Caroline Ruthyn (Jean Simmons) soon learns that her uncle is most interested in her financial potential.
The mansion has a tendency to serve as a trap.

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